Angelweiher in Fließem
Deep: bis 2 m
Season: 08.04. - 15.10. (Closed until Good Friday)
Day tickets: at the sales points 20 €, at the ED petrol station, Rittersdorfer Str., Bitburg, Tel.: 06561 3266
Fishing season: 08.04. - 15.10.
Permit: 20 € at the points of sale:
ED gas station, Rittersdorfer Str., 54634 Bitburg, Tel.: 06561 3266
Weapons Winandy, Borenweg 3, 54634 Bitburg, Tel.: 06561 3011
Globus hardware store, Industriestrasse, 54634 Bitburg
On site at the pond in the mill.
Kylltalfischer Fließem 1981 e.V.
Bergstraße 12
54636 Fliessem
Phone: (0049) 01577 984 50 21