Herbstmarkt Speicher

Oct 2, 2025


Traditional fall market in Speicher

Every year on the first Thursday in October, the people of Speicher and their guests come together in our town for the traditional "Speicher Autumn Market." This market was first mentioned in a chronicle in 1856.

This means that with its long 160-year tradition, the market is one of the oldest markets in the Eifel.

While the actual fair took place on the market square at that time, a large cattle market was held at the same time on the site of today's sports field. Over time, this cattle market became less and less important due to the structural changes in agriculture and rural areas in general, and was eventually abandoned altogether.

Today, the autumn market, which is organized by the town of Speicher, has the appearance of a traditional fair.

And yet it is impossible to imagine the town without the "Speicher Autumn Market" and it still attracts many visitors to Speicher.

As always, this market has been logistically supported by the Speicher trade association for several years.

Entertainment program for young and old. And of course there is also plenty of food and drink!

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  • Only at October 2, 2025
    At 10:00


Jakobsstraße 53
54662 Speicher


Gewerbeverein Speicher e.V.
Jakobsstraße 53
54662 Speicher
Phone: (0049) 6562 1316
Fax: (0049) 6562 1019

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