Kabarettabend mit Jürgen Hausmann

Aug 29, 2025


Jürgen B. Hausmann has been delighting audiences with his wonderful cabaret "straight from the front door" for 25 years now. The cabaret artist naturally wants to celebrate this with the audience - on his "Dat is e Ding!" tour on 29 August 2025, in Bitburger Stadthalle.

"Dat is e Ding!", says Jürgen B. Hausmann happily and looks back on 25 years of cabaret with gratitude and proud amazement. However, the old-school entertainer never runs out of ideas for his gags and programs. On the contrary - his stage experience, his unbeatable powers of observation and his direct line to the audience guarantee a constant stream of new punchlines.

And so "Dat is e Ding!" once again promises hilarious anecdotes - wonderfully over-the-top and yet as if taken from real life. The cabaret artist has once again packed his observations, experiences and adventures into wonderful, funny scenes. His cabaret comes straight from the living rooms, clubhouses and hobby markets of our country, his characters come from the family, from next door or run into him by chance. And the reactions in the audience reveal that one or two of them probably recognize themselves ...

This is precisely where Jürgen B. Hausmann's great strength lies. Thanks to his excellent powers of observation and his flair for comedy, the cabaret artist transforms everyday situations into spot-on, amusing stories and people like you and me into genuine originals. Or ennobles them in his wonderful vocal numbers, in which he is supported by his long-standing musical partner Harald Claßen.

tickets for the event are available in advance at all Ticket - Regional advance booking offices, e.g. at the Tourist Information, Römermauer 6, Bitburg, Tel.:


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  • Only at August 29, 2025
    At 20:00


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54634 Bitburg


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