Monday Night Jazzkonzert
Apr 7, 2025
Even the name is unusual and makes you sit up and take notice. A Kombinat is, in common parlance, an association of like-minded people. Here are four musicians who want to take the listener deep into another world with their music.
The music of Tiefenrausch Klangkombinat - created from the compositions of Thore Benz - is urban, danceable, melodic and full of passion. Rhythm and sound merge into a pulsating organic unity. With a symbiosis of different elements from funk, jazz, pop and world music, Tiefenrausch is compatible with both jazz and dance clubs. Thore Benz: bass, Uta Wagner: drums, Peter Back: saxophone and Juan Pablo Parrado Rivera: piano are the sound combiners who want to achieve their ambitious goals.
The Monday-Night Jazz will take place on Monday, 7. 04. 2025, starting at 8 pm in the Jazz-Ballroom in the Bowling-Center Bitburg, Charles-Lindbergh-Allee 5. admission free.