Troulichter basteln/Rübernlaternen schnitzen
Oct 24, 2025
As we have had a lot of fun and enjoyment making the Trouliechter in previous years, we want to spend an afternoon with you again this year with this beautiful custom.
Anyone over the age of 6 can take part. We want to meet on Friday, 25.10.2024 at 16:00 in the community room in the youth and club house, in the old pottery in Katzstraße in Speicher.
Under the expert guidance of our Trouliecht team, we will hollow out carrots and decorate them with faces. The beetroot and materials will be provided by the Eifelverein. Each of you should take the opportunity to make a Trouliecht to decorate your home and bring some light into the coming season with its shorter days and longer nights. It is nice to imagine walking through the streets of Speicher one evening and discovering a Trouliecht on the windowsill or outside of many houses.
As the event takes place outdoors, please dress warmly.