Vom Barock in die Gegenwart - Gartengeschichte(n) rund um Schloss Malberg - EP
Jun 13, 2025 - Jul 4, 2025
From the Baroque to the present - garden history(ies) around Malberg Castle
After a small welcome cocktail, we immerse ourselves in the formal garden art of the time of Johann Werner von Veyder, who built the castle.
Explore the iron garden, the basic structure of which has remained unchanged since the 18th century, with tour guide Bianca Höftmann. The adjoining kitchen garden and herb garden bring back memories of the good old hotel days at Malberg Castle.
But our little garden tour ends with a visit to the castle chapel, where you can see the famous garden sculptures from the workshop of Ferdinand Tiet.
Tour guide: Bianca Höftmann
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Meeting point: Castle gate, Schlossstr. 45, 54655 Malberg
Price: € 11 per person incl. welcome drink
Register now for the events of the adventure program:
- Online at www.eifel-direkt.de
- In person, at the Tourist Information Bitburger Land
- or via Ticket Regional
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Tourist-Information Bitburger Land Römermauer 6, 54634 Bitburg
Tel.: 06561/94340 info@eifel-direkt.de
- The event is subject to a minimum number of participants. There will be a corresponding refund if the event is canceled.
- Subject to change at short notice.
- No refund for non-participation.
- Photos will be taken at the events and you agree to their production and subsequent use by attending the event.
- Participation in the events is at your own risk.
- Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult