Vortrag zum 165. Geburtstag Fritz von Wille

May 26, 2025


Fritz von Wille would have been 165 years old on April 21, 2025. To mark the occasion, Andreas Burkard will present new insights into the early years of the painter's life. The lecture is based on the research for the book Der junge Fritz von Wille - Leben und Werdegang auf dem Weg zum Maler der Eifel (1860-1902), which will be published later this year.

In addition to Fritz von Wille, the focus is also on his parents August and Clara. For the first time, the speaker presents a comprehensive description of Clara's life to the public, based on source research. A previously unknown chapter of the family history, August von Wille spent 10 years in Bonn from the beginning of the 1870s, is also opened up. Anecdotes and facts - August's role as "artistic director" of the later emperor's 19th birthday party, Fritz von Wille's visits to Bonn or a monumental painting of Beilstein that adorned a Bonn restaurant for many years - bring us closer to the young Fritz and his parents as painters and people.

Andreas Burkard

Andreas Burkard, born in 1986, comes from Greimerath in the Vulkaneifel region. After graduating from Peter-Wust-Gymnasium in Wittlich, he studied Oriental Studies at Oxford University. This included a year abroad in Iran. This was followed by positions as a management consultant in Dubai, Frankfurt and Singapore. He has lived and worked in Switzerland since 2021.

2025 his book "Der junge Fritz von Wille - Leben und Werdegang auf dem Weg zum Maler der Eifel (1860-1902)" will be published. 2023 he published "WELTVERGESSEN" - the Himmeroder Ruinenbilder by the painter Fritz von Wille

Admission: free

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